Why You Should Care About Facebook Parties In 2020

Starting a new work-from-home business is exciting and overwhelming at the same time.

Maybe you’ve heard that Parties are a proven, lucrative way to grow your business, and are inspired to work hard and turn a profit for your newly-made goals?

You probably know it’s only a matter of getting your product in front of new customers.

But let’s be honest…it’s getting harder to make new connections, or coordinating with the  busy schedules of potential new customers.

I have good news.

This is where technology and social media platforms can be used for the good of your home business.

These days, running Facebook friendly Party formats actually grow your business faster and bigger than in-home Parties!

If you have concerns about using Online Parties to grow your business, let’s debunk a few myths for you:

Now maybe you’re thinking…

”What makes Facebook Parties important for growing and maintaining your business, anyway?”

Great question.

So, we asked this of our users and the response was amazing!

Kathy says: “Well I’ve been a consultant for 23 years and this past year went 95% virtual – had my highest sales and recruiting ever in my history.”

With a top, user-friendly social media platform like Facebook, you have a super easy way to reach people all around the world!

You aren’t limited to meeting local people to grow your business.

Let’s face it, people are busy, and it can be difficult to coordinate schedules to meet up in person.

With Online Parties you have the freedom of ultimate flexibility. Not only for yourself, but also for your host and guests!

They can participate at their own pace, have time to go back and review any missed information, and to really consider what they want to order.

Finding a location to hold your Parties, doesn’t even matter anymore. There goes the pressure of cleaning your house or booking a space!

With Online Parties, anyone from anywhere can join the Party and participate at any time.

The concern may rise that Facebook Parties are a better fit for some Direct Sales companies over others. But don’t let that stop you from trying.

The truth is, that any business can benefit from using Facebook Groups to build better relationships with their customers.

Let me explain.

Earn Higher Profit

Hosting Facebook Parties allows you to avoid the expense of setting up and decorating a face-to-face Party.

If you consider the money you would normally spend on having samples or products on hand to try out and showcase, or on supplies for presenting your products or services, you might be surprised at how much you would save with an online party.

For example, you will only need a fraction of those products and supplies to create videos to show guests how to use them, versus having enough product for everyone to try it themselves.

Or when you create images of your product options, instead of having to lug them all around just for people to see them.

We know how precious is your time and energy, too. Especially when practicing your presentation (or Party script), organizing your products or home office if you party there, or making those extra efforts to rearrange your schedule for the next party.

Instead, with Online Parties you’ll find more time if you convert this energy into creating interesting posts, pictures, graphics, and videos for your Online Party script.

Kathy keeps it simple: “ I do 5 day parties and use lots of videos. People love to sit at their computer and watch videos.”

Plus, once you create a good Party script template, you can now re-use it and run multiple Parties at the same time. This is a snap to do with a good auto-posting program that is designed with you in mind, like PostMyParty.

Thus, doubling, tripling, or more of your time and energy into pure profit!

In some cases, you might still invest in mailing special samples to the guests either before or after the Party, or at least with their orders.

But when you follow up with them you can answer their questions, make sure they used it correctly by watching your videos, and you might close another sale or create a lifelong customer.

Larger Customer Base

Hosting Online Parties allows you to reach a global audience. This is nearly impossible to do when hosting an in-home party.

So how can you reach the masses?

Well…give new customers an incentive to join your special VIP group for unique content and deals.

Keep it appealing and easy for them to host their own Parties.

Engage with personal messages to customize your service to their unique needs.

Make your hostess coaching and follow-up procedures easy to duplicate for every new customer.

Build a Team Faster and Farther

Not only will running Online Parties grow your customer base beyond your physical location, they provide a key opportunity to build a team of people from around the world!

So how do you do that?

Well, make sure you make a lasting impression with interesting posts about your business opportunity. Use eye-catching images and share personal testimonies for guests to review and ask questions at their own pace.

When you do this they are interested to see how easy and fun it is to run a Facebook Party and will be paying attention to everything you post!

Also if the Party script is too long and complicated, they will get turned off quickly. People want something easy and duplicable, with higher profit margin for their efforts.

Plus, many company training courses are already available online, so training your new team members does not have to suffer.

Creating relationships with your distant team members, does not have to lack the comfort of being next to them, either.

Get creative with ways to keep in touch with your new team, such as with video chat or any team-building apps now available on any smartphone or computer, such as Voxer or Zoom.

Take advantage of this global reach at your fingertips!

Create a Following to Build your Brand

If one of your concerns with hosting Online Parties is that you’ll run out of people you know to invite, I have good news for you.

Social media gives you one of the easiest ways for people to know what you can offer them. And you can use your Facebook business page for this.

Not everyone who’s interested in your business topic may be your customers right now, but they might be later on.

One thing we’ve learned from our Top Users is people want to see your unique content and want to learn how you use your products.

So take advantage of this by changing up your posts to see what gets the most engagement.

The more people you have following or liking your Facebook Page, the more opportunity you have to expand your post reach.

User Angela notes: “I do feel like it’s easier to get people to follow my [business] page. I invite them at the end of an Online Party to follow my page after I’ve started to build that relationship. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the growth of followers on my page.”

So do Facebook Parties Really Work?

Don’t take our word for it. Here’s what Angela had to say:

“Kathy is my upline and I am 100% virtual Parties. I signed up in Oct and following her lead, I held 11 virtual Parties in November with over $4700 in sales. I never had to leave the house, didn’t have to get dressed or even get out of bed if I didn’t want to!” - Angela

So I hope by now you see that Online Parties are certainly something you should care about if you want to grow your home-based business.

From everyone on the PostMyParty team, we are wishing you the very best success in 2020!


Next Steps

Trying to grow your business with Online Parties or trainings?

Now you can leverage powerful Online Parties without hours of work.

Get a Free 14 Day Trial of PostMyParty.

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  • Unlimited Scheduled Parties
  • Unlimited Templates
  • All Your Content is Private
  • Comment Scheduling on Business Pages and Business Groups
  • Template Sharing

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Da'Nell Hitz

I'm excited to be part of the PostMyParty team and help more entrepreneurs succeed.