Elevate Your Direct Sales Game: Discover The Ideal Personal Assistant To Boost Your Business

Do you ever juggle a million things in your direct sales business? It can be overwhelming, right? Between managing your business, taking care of your family, and trying to maintain some semblance of work-life balance, there aren't enough hours in the day. I get it.

But what if I told you there's a way to lighten the load? You may have thought that hiring a personal assistant for your direct sales business is out of reach, both financially and logistically. Trust me. I understand those concerns. That's why I'm here to tell you it's not as far-fetched as you might think.

Imagine reclaiming some precious time for yourself, focusing on the tasks that drive profits and make a difference in your business.

PostMyParty is a firm believer in the power of delegation, which is why our founders established this company in the first place - to help individuals like you find more time in their day. We've witnessed how automating a week's worth of posts for virtual parties with a couple of clicks has empowered thousands of consultants to reclaim their time. However, we also understand that automation alone may not always be sufficient.

In this article, we will guide you through finding a solution to the time crunch and overwhelming demands by delegating tasks to someone else. By combining the benefits of automation with the support of a personal assistant, you can effectively manage the challenges of running a successful direct sales business.

It's not about having someone on board 24/7. It's about identifying the tasks you want to delegate and realizing that even 5 to 10 hours a month can make a significant difference.

Just picture it: an extra 5 hours a month to spend with your family or growing your business. It's a game-changer. And let's face it, to increase your direct sales business, you must treat it as more than just a side gig. It's a thriving enterprise that requires multiple hands to manage effectively.

If you've reached a point where you feel like your growth is stalling because you're stretched too thin, it's a clear sign that it's time to consider hiring a virtual assistant. And don't worry; we're here to help you determine if it's the right move for you.

How do you know when you need a virtual assistant?

Well, there are some telltale signs. Maybe your sales have hit a plateau, your work-life balance is heavily tilted towards work, or your customers are expressing dissatisfaction with the level of service they're receiving. You may be struggling to promptly follow up with sales leads, causing potential opportunities to slip away. Or you just constantly feel overwhelmed and perpetually behind.

Listen, here's the thing: you're not failing if you're drowning in work. It happens to the best of us. If you look at other successful members of your consultant community and wonder how they do it all, let me share a little secret with you. They aren't doing it alone. They have personal assistants supporting them, and you can have one too.

So, let's make a change together. By taking the step to hire a virtual assistant, you'll be able to reclaim your time, focus on strategic planning, and achieve your business goals while finding a better work-life balance. You deserve it, and your business deserves it. Let's make it happen!

How can you afford to hire a freelance personal assistant?

When hiring a virtual assistant for your direct sales business, finding the right balance between your budget and your goals is essential. It's generally suggested that you allocate around 5-15% of your income from your business to fund this investment. Let's break it down with a real-life example. Imagine you're making $1200 a month through your direct sales business and have a burning desire to double that amount. Doubling your income would make a tremendous difference for you and your family.

So, let's crunch some numbers. If you invest 10% of your direct sales income, that's $120 a month. Now, let's say you hire someone at $15 per hour. With that budget, you could gain an extra 2 hours of assistance weekly. You might think, "Well, 2 hours doesn't sound like much." But here's the exciting part: those 2 hours, dedicated to income-generating tasks like engaging with potential recruits, following up with hosts, and delivering exceptional customer service, can gradually transform your business. Instead of spending time on mundane tasks like setting up parties and scheduling templates, you'll have more time to focus on what truly matters for your growth.

Now, let's discuss finding the right virtual assistant for your needs. The first question that often arises is finding someone who can commit to just 2 hours a week. There are a couple of avenues you can explore. One option is to hire a freelance assistant through platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Consider engaging someone from another country who offers a lower hourly rate, giving you more bang for your buck. However, there might be a trade-off regarding specific skills and availability. You should invest more time in training and supervision. This option works well for those who simply need help with administrative tasks, such as copying and pasting content for party setups on Facebook.

Another approach is to seek a freelance assistant who works in your industry or a related field. Once you've identified the tasks you want to delegate, consider announcing your search for an assistant on your social media accounts. You'd be surprised how many people within your warm network might be interested. Look for individuals who are already working for a director in your organization. They possess valuable insights into how the business operates, have relevant training, and are likely to be open to taking on a few extra hours.

As your business grows and you witness the positive impact of having a virtual assistant, you may want to increase the hours you hire them for. Remember, the example I mentioned earlier demonstrates that even with a small business, you can start laying the groundwork for incredible success. You don't need to be making a fortune to justify seeking assistance.

When setting the rate for your virtual assistant, consider paying a slightly higher amount, such as $15 per hour. This will attract a more talented pool of candidates who can make the most out of the hours they work for you. Virtual assistant turnover can be a concern, but treating your assistant well and establishing a positive working relationship will increase the chances of them sticking around for the long term.

If you're considering hiring an assistant who already works for another director, it's important to respect their current rate, even if it's lower. However, if the rates proposed exceed your budget, feel free to discuss alternative arrangements. For example, the experienced virtual assistant may be willing to offer a lower rate for specific tasks while charging a higher rate for more complex responsibilities like content creation and social media coordination.

Remember, investing in a virtual assistant is investing in your success. You're taking steps toward achieving your goals by reclaiming your time and focusing on profit-generating activities. Don't underestimate the power of having a helping hand by your side on this exciting journey!

How to prepare your business for a personal assistant

Now that we've established that having a personal assistant is possible for you, it's time to dive into the nitty-gritty details. Let's start by figuring out what tasks you should delegate. It's a common challenge for business owners to let go of specific processes stored in their heads. Trust me; I get it. Delegating tasks can be tricky, especially when creating a role for the first time. But fear not. We'll tackle it together!

First, grab a pen and paper (or your favorite digital tool) and jot down all your daily tasks for your business every day of the week. Think of it as a reverse to-do list—instead of planning what you need to do, list everything you've already accomplished each day. Note down the tasks you couldn't get to but still need to complete

Okay, let's break it down into four categories:

a) Things that need to be done but don't necessarily require your personal touch.

We all have those tasks that are crucial for our business but can be handled by someone else. These include setting up parties, organizing your inbox, scheduling templates, posting birthday announcements, and engaging with your social media audience. They're essential for keeping your business running smoothly, but they don't necessarily need your unique presence. Sometimes we hold onto these tasks, thinking only we can handle them, but let's challenge that belief!

b) Tasks you love doing, even if they're not mandatory.

Do you know those activities that bring you joy and stimulate your creativity? Yeah, we all have them. For example, if you enjoy creating stunning Canva graphics or crafting captivating content, consider keeping those tasks for yourself. They might not directly impact your income but keep the fire burning within you. Remember, work should be fun too.

c) Tasks that only you should handle.

These are the gems that directly contribute to building your business. Think of host coaching, specific customer service processes, coaching new consultants, and showcasing your products through live demonstrations. These activities require your personal touch, reflecting your expertise, passion, and unique style. Being directly involved in these tasks ensures your business continues to progress. Even with experienced assistants, the moment you delegate direct host interactions, your business may decline.

d) Tasks you dislike or downright hate doing.

We all have dreaded tasks that drain our energy and enthusiasm. These tasks can overlap with the ones you must handle personally. Break them down further into smaller, digestible components to make them more manageable. For instance, if you dislike following up with potential recruiting leads who have yet to respond, assign your virtual assistant to send follow-ups and only report back to you regarding those who show potential interest. Streamlining and optimizing these disliked tasks can make them more efficient and less of a chore.

Remember, by offloading tasks you dislike and focusing on activities that fuel your day, you'll feel refreshed, motivated, and ready to conquer any challenges that come your way. It makes a world of difference!

Understanding what to delegate and effectively categorizing your tasks will allow you to maximize the benefits of having a personal assistant and propel your business toward success.

Step 1: Categorizing tasks and selecting which ones to delegate:

Once you've categorized all your tasks, it's time to determine which ones are best to delegate. Focus on picking 5 to 10 tasks that fall into the "hate" category or those administrative tasks that don't require your personal touch. Instead of overwhelming yourself by delegating everything at once, consider delegating tasks in batches. This approach allows you to clearly understand the work assigned to your assistant and how your resources are allocated, freeing you up to concentrate on more important matters.

Step 2: Estimating task duration and documenting instructions:

Now that you have your delegated task list record yourself completing each task. This step serves two purposes: first, it helps determine the required hours. If it exceeds your budget, you can remove some tasks from the delegated list and create a wishlist for future delegations. Second, it enables you to keep track of your expenditure without micromanaging. For example, if a task only takes 30 minutes to complete but your virtual assistant charges for two hours, you'll have concrete evidence to address any miscommunications or misunderstandings. This proactive approach allows you to rectify problems before they arise, saving you time and frustration.

Step 3: Creating written task instructions:

With the task durations and measurements in hand, it's time to finalize your list of tasks for delegation. Prepare written instructions detailing how to complete each task on this list. Keep all the instructions in one place, forming a comprehensive training packet for your new virtual assistant. This streamlines the onboarding process and hones your skills in effectively communicating your needs.

Step 4: Defining your virtual assistant requirements and preferred communication:

Now that you have your task instructions documented take some time to consider the kind of relationship you want with your virtual assistant. Determine any additional requirements beyond their technical skills. For example, consider how you prefer to communicate—whether you're more comfortable with phone calls, emails, or text messages. Decide if you want frequent updates throughout the work or a single daily update. Clarifying these expectations early on helps set the right tone and minimizes frustrations when working with someone new. Trustworthiness is also crucial, especially when sharing sensitive information like social media logins and customer data. Ensure you can trust your virtual assistant with these aspects, as it opens the door to more time-saving opportunities for your business.

Screen your Applicants

When finding freelancers on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, it's important to have a solid vetting system in place. Start by crafting a job posting highlighting the specific tasks you've identified through the exercises we discussed earlier. Feel free to add any other details that are important to you.

On these freelance websites, applicants will typically fill out the typical application. However, you can take it further by including a Google form with screening questions. This clever trick helps you filter out contenders and narrow your options to three top-notch candidates, saving you from the overwhelming task of sifting through a large pool of applicants.

The screening questions on the form can be tailored to fit your unique needs and the working relationship you desire. Do you want to gauge their communication style or how they handle customer service situations? Perhaps you're curious about their initiative and ability to work independently. There are plenty of clever ways to uncover these qualities without asking directly. For instance, learning about their hobbies or what they enjoy outside of work can give you insights into their personality, social habits, and potential distractions. You might even discover some shared interests along the way!

Now, the screening process may be less rigorous if you're hiring a personal assistant for another director. Since they're already familiar with the industry and trusted in their role, your primary focus will be ensuring your work styles align.

Remember, there are essential steps to follow when hiring someone who will save you time and contribute to your business growth. However, don't let it overwhelm you. Take it one step at a time, and soon enough, you'll find that extra helping hand you need. Just imagine the growth and progress that awaits you when you shift your focus from everyday operations to strategic business development.

Being specific about your needs and expectations throughout the process'll make the hiring phase smoother and increase your chances of finding the perfect fit for your virtual assistant role.

So, take a deep breath, go at your own pace, and watch as you regain control of your time while optimizing your business operations. Good luck on this exciting journey of finding your ideal virtual assistant!

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Stephanie Landy

Blog Writer