Elevate Your Direct Sales Game: The Ultimate PostMyParty vs. Vizzlie Showdown!

After exploring the vast world of scheduling tools, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, right? There are many options, each promising to be the perfect solution. While we've previously discussed the advantages and shortcomings of various schedulers, today, we're putting the spotlight on two noteworthy contenders: Vizzlie and PostMyParty. Think of this as your personal guide. We'll dive deep into each platform’s features at varying price tiers to help you make an informed choice that feels just right for you, your blossoming business, and your dedicated team. So, grab a cup of your favorite brew, and let's navigate this together.

First Tier Comparison: Vizzlie's Free Version vs. PostMyParty's $9.95 Basic Plan

Starting in the digital realm of virtual parties and team building can be both exhilarating and daunting. The right tools can make a world of difference, but which one's best when you're just dipping your toes in? Let's dissect the offerings of Vizzlie and PostMyParty.


  • Cost: Free! (with an option for a 2-week trial of their upgraded features)
  • What you get: Limited scheduling for a few groups and events. Perfect for those who are just getting their team off the ground. It allows new teammates to familiarize themselves with virtual parties without the immediate burden of financial commitments or sharing their credit card details.
    But here's a heads-up: As your new consultants grow and need to manage multiple parties within a week, they might face a bit of a learning curve. Transitioning from the free version to a more comprehensive package means added training. As a leader, this could demand more time to ensure your team's seamless operation.

PostMyParty's Basic Plan:

  • Cost: $9.95/month
  • Features:
  • Unlimited scheduling for groups and business pages.
  • Abundant templates for your content needs.
  • Share those templates without restrictions.
  • Access to complimentary content.
  • Schedule comments on your posts – a nifty feature for engagement!
  • A unique Content Rating System to gauge your post's effectiveness.

Vizzlie's allure lies in its initial free offering. This means when onboarding new consultants, they can fully experience what Vizzlie brings to the table without any monetary obligations. It's an attractive start. However, a potential challenge arises when they need to move beyond the limitations of the free version. If they're unaware of the need to upgrade, or if the transition feels cumbersome, it could interrupt the flow of their parties, leading to potential business hiccups.

Templates: Vizzlie vs. PostMyParty

In the world of direct sales schedulers, both Vizzlie and PostMyParty stand out for their focus on Templates. Let's dive deeper to understand how each platform manages and utilizes these features.

1. Template Creation & Capacity:

  • Vizzlie: Here, you can upload and craft as many Templates as you desire. Additionally, the platform ensures a consistent template structure across Facebook, Instagram and email campaigns.
  • PostMyParty: Right from their basic plan, you're given carte blanche to upload limitless templates and schedule an unrestricted number of groups.

2. Template Organization:

  • Vizzlie: Neatness is the game here. Vizzlie lets you methodically slot your Templates into Folders. This folder system simplifies the search process when you're looking to schedule a specific template into your Facebook groups.
  • PostMyParty: Simplicity is the key. All templates are housed in a single dropdown box, streamlining your selection process when scheduling parties.

3. Replacement Token Options: Both platforms shine regarding dynamic content customization when using Templates across multiple parties or campaigns. You can instantly automate elements like the host name, invite link, and event text.

  • Vizzlie: Offers a more granular approach. Replacement options are available right beneath each scheduled Template, allowing for greater customization.
  • PostMyParty: Has a structured collection of replacement fields that you populate while scheduling, ensuring a uniform approach to customization.

4. User Experience & Protection: Both platforms prioritize an intuitive template creation process. A distinguishing feature of PostMyParty is its proactive measures to shield your content from being flagged as spam.

While both platforms are robust and user-friendly, your choice might boil down to specific features that align more closely with your needs. Whether it's the organizational structure of Vizzlie or the protective measures of PostMyParty, both have unique offerings that cater to different users.

Navigating PostMyParty’s Content Rating System

PostMyParty introduces a unique Content Rating System to help users craft Facebook posts that stand out and dodge the spam flag. As consultants to usher in teams towards success, sharing templates becomes invaluable. However, repeating the same content can ruffle Facebook's algorithms, marking them as spam and diminishing their visibility.

How does it work?

  • Icons: Three distinct icons appear to the right of each post in your template: Green, Yellow, and Red.
  • Green: Your content is fresh! It's unique and hasn’t been overly replicated.
  • Yellow: Caution! Your content is starting to gain popularity. While it's not urgent, consider making some tweaks.
  • Red: Alert! Your text is now in the overused category. While it's still possible to post it, PostMyParty strongly advises a revision.

The Facebook Dilemma:
It's fascinating yet crucial to note that Facebook doesn't employ individuals to review each post for originality. It’s their algorithms at play. A slight alteration in wording or the inclusion of an emoji can often sidestep any potential spam flag. Essentially, the content just needs to stand apart from the masses.

A Closer Look at Premium Tiers: Vizzlie vs. PostMyParty

Vizzlie’s Paid Tier:

  • Pricing: Starting at $10/month. The price can increase depending on the volume of texts you wish to schedule and send.
  • Features:
  • Instagram Integration: Schedule your posts seamlessly.
  • Unlimited Scheduling: No caps on the number of groups or business pages.
  • Email Campaigns: Send unlimited email campaigns for effective communication.
  • Team Management: Handle and oversee your team’s activities efficiently.
  • Texting Capabilities: Schedule and send texts, with the volume determining the price.

PostMyParty’s Professional Package:

  • Highlights:
  • RSVP Landing Page: Curate your event's guest list with finesse.
  • CRM Capabilities: Manage your customer relations more effectively.
  • Enhanced Video Uploads: Cater to larger video content for impactful presentations.
  • Team Management: Coordinate with your team smoothly.
  • Digital Business Card: Professionalize your interactions with a digital touch.

Team Management: Vizzlie vs. PostMyParty

Team management is a critical aspect of any platform, especially for those in direct sales. Both Vizzlie and PostMyParty acknowledge this by offering features to streamline the sharing of templates and the oversight of team activities. However, their approaches differ.

Common Ground:

  • Automated Template Sharing: Say goodbye to the hassle of distributing links or codes. Both platforms allow team leads to upload templates, making them instantly available for team members at their convenience.
  • Availability: This feature is exclusive to second-tier users on both platforms.
  • Team Creation: Users can establish and be part of an unlimited number of teams on both platforms.

Diving into Vizzlie:

  • Team Details: When establishing a team, you can specify the name, provide a description, set a code, and optionally upload a team logo.
  • Organized Folders: Teams have structured sections like the Team Page (with member details and join requests), Facebook Templates, Email Templates, Instagram Templates, and a repository for shared images and videos. This ensures everything is consolidated in one place.
  • Role Assignment: Vizzlie offers granularity. Assign roles to members like Admin, Membership Approval, Content Editor, Leader, or combinations thereof. This is especially handy for delegating tasks and managing the team's content collection.

Understanding PostMyParty:

  • Simplified Structure: Here, the emphasis is on simplicity. Teams primarily function to share party templates seamlessly.
  • Team Invites: After creating a team, you can invite PostMyParty members using their emails. Once invited, they automatically become team members.
  • Sole Administration: Only the team creator has administrative rights, meaning they are the exclusive uploaders of templates. This administrator can remove members as necessary.

While Vizzlie offers a more detailed and hierarchical approach to team management, PostMyParty keeps things straightforward and centralized. Your choice will hinge on whether you value intricate control and delegation or simplicity and directness.

Email Campaigns: Vizzlie vs. PostMyParty

Both Vizzlie and PostMyParty offer functionalities to create email campaigns. However, their features and methods of implementation differ considerably.

Vizzlie’s Approach:

  • Email Templates: Before initiating an email campaign, users can craft a series of email templates, mapping out the entire campaign flow in advance. This is akin to setting up Facebook templates.
  • Utility for New Consultants: These email templates can act as training modules for new consultants, delivering information step-by-step.
  • Customer Follow-up Systems: Craft emails to touch base with customers periodically. However, Vizzlie doesn’t feature a system to capture or store contacts, requiring manual input every time.
  • Personalized Sender Info: Even though emails are dispatched via Vizzlie, they appear to recipients as if you sent them directly. Responses land directly in your personal inbox.

PostMyParty's Approach:

  • Drag and Drop System: Creating an email feels intuitive, thanks to the drag and drop system. This offers more control over the email's aesthetics.
  • Absence of Pre-made Templates: Unlike Vizzlie, PostMyParty doesn’t offer pre-designed templates. Each email is crafted individually.
  • Sender Information: Emails sent through PostMyParty display the sender name as “hello” rather than your personal name.

Vizzlie leans towards structured, templated outreach that benefits systematic training and periodic customer touchpoints. On the other hand, PostMyParty provides a more hands-on, aesthetic-centric approach, albeit without the ease of templated structures. The choice between them boils down to whether users prioritize systematic outreach or individual, aesthetic-driven communication.

CRM Systems & Platform Priorities: Vizzlie vs. PostMyParty

Both Vizzlie and PostMyParty offer features for email campaigns, but their dashboards and primary focuses differ, leading to contrasting user experiences.

Vizzlie’s Approach:

  • Multitasking Central: Vizzlie isn’t confined to just one domain. It’s designed as a multi-solution platform for content scheduling, be it on Facebook, Email, or Instagram.
  • Organized & Customizable: The platform provides distinct ways to organize content into folders and extensive customization options for every kind of template.
  • Diverse User Base: Catering to a variety of needs, Vizzlie appeals to direct sales entrepreneurs, influencers, and small business owners alike. It's all about flexibility and tailoring to the unique requirements of its diverse users.

PostMyParty's Focus:

  • Direct Sales at its Core: The platform’s raison d'être is simplifying direct sales parties on Facebook. Every feature is developed with this mission in mind.
  • CRM Feature: Beyond just scheduling, PostMyParty boasts a built-in CRM feature. In simpler terms, this system aids in gathering the email addresses and phone numbers of customers. This bridges the communication gap, allowing you to reach out to customers beyond Facebook, thus bypassing messaging restrictions and the dreaded “Facebook Jail.”
  • Building Relationships: For PostMyParty, it's not just about transactions. It’s about cultivating relationships with customers. Parties become more than just events—they're experiences. The platform is continually optimized to keep this relationship-building aspect at the forefront.

While Vizzlie leans into adaptability and versatility, PostMyParty zeroes in on enhancing the direct sales experience on Facebook, emphasizing relationship-building with customers. The choice depends on whether you seek a broad solution for diverse content scheduling or a specialized tool for enriched direct sales engagements.

PostMyParty's Distinct Features

1. RSVP Landing Page:

At the heart of PostMyParty's philosophy lies the RSVP Landing Page. This innovative feature functions as a personalized invitation for hosts to dispatch to their guests, allowing you to:

  • Wider Outreach: By integrating a shopping link, party details, and a contact capture tool, the platform welcomes not just Facebook users but a broader audience. This means enhanced accessibility for hosts and a non-intrusive invitation for potential attendees.
  • Effortless Transitions: Once attendees provide their mandatory email (and, optionally, their phone number), they're smoothly redirected to the related Facebook party group.
  • Streamlined Contact Management: Forget the chaos of manual note-taking and spreadsheets. Guest details auto-populate into PostMyParty's contact list, enabling you to annotate with crucial information for future engagement.

Essentially, PostMyParty's RSVP Landing Page is not just about planning a party; it's about curating memorable experiences and establishing a consolidated contact database.

2. Business Card:

Visualize a customized landing page paired with a potent email system; that's PostMyParty's Business Card for you. This unique feature is a centralized hub, connecting your audience to your RSVP page, social profiles, and other vital business links. It's your singular online touchpoint, eliminating the need for multiple platforms.

3. PMP's Dedication to Direct Sales:

PostMyParty is unwavering in its commitment to revolutionizing online direct sales parties. Alongside the two-week free trial, members benefit from PostMyParty’s Ultimate Script Formula, a 14-day Email Coaching program, and exclusive access to a strategy-focused Facebook group. Furthermore, every fortnight, you’re enriched with the latest industry insights, including social media strategies, innovative game ideas, and premier host coaching practices. PostMyParty isn't just a tool; it's your direct sales ally.

4. Stellar Support:

What sets PostMyParty apart is its exceptional support. The platform offers a 7-day-a-week live chat manned by party experts. Whether mastering platform features, gleaning party insights, or just seeking a patient ear during a challenging time, their support is unparalleled.

Final Thoughts:

While Vizzlie offers commendable services, especially for Instagram and Email scheduling, if your core lies in direct sales parties, PostMyParty's suite of features is hard to surpass.

Stephanie Landy

Blog Writer