Revamp Your Party Template for Fall 2023: Top Color Trends and Games

If you're reading this, chances are you've invested a lot of love and labor into crafting a virtual party template that's just right. The very thought of starting from zero for the autumn season might make you cringe. Take a deep breath; there's no need for a total overhaul. With a few strategic updates, your template can effortlessly transition into the fall season while preserving the elements that make it uniquely yours.

Maybe you've already personalized your template with engaging videos where you demonstrate the wonders of your products. Or perhaps you've perfected the art of the "product selfie," capturing yourself in the best light while showcasing your must-have items. Great news: those personalized touches are here to stay. We suggest just a few autumn-inspired tweaks to revamp your template's aesthetic.

We'll kick things off with a how-to guide on creating the perfect fall color scheme to revamp your Party Template. Then we’ll introduce you to 5 fabulous party games that you can use to increase party engagement.

Bonus: We are providing Canva templates for each game, making customization a snap.

So grab your pumpkin-spiced latte, and let's delve into how you can freshen up your virtual party template without undoing all your hard work. Here's to a productive—and personable—autumn season for your virtual direct sales parties!

Picking your Color Scheme:

The right hues can totally turn your template from "meh" to "wow," setting the vibe for a successful online direct sales party!

Alright, so let's get a tad technical—but just a tad, I promise! To make sure everything looks sleek and professional, you'll want to be consistent with your color choices. Here's a simple guide to get you started:

  • Primary Color: This is your star player—the color that sets the overall mood. Think of it as the apple in your apple pie.
  • Secondary Color: This one's the sidekick, complementing your primary hue and adding some extra flair. Picture it as the whipped cream on top.
  • Accent Colors (Optional, but Fun!): If you're feeling adventurous, throw in one to three accent colors. Think of them as the sprinkles.

Tools for Picking Colors

To find the colors that resonate with you, there are several user-friendly tools at your disposal:

  • Canva’s Color Palette Generator: This tool is especially useful if you already have an image that captures the color vibe you're going for.
  • Adobe Color: A more advanced tool that allows for more customization and offers a variety of color harmony rules.

Other Options for Color Selection

  • Purchase a Palette: Online marketplaces like Etsy often offer pre-made color palettes that you can buy and instantly download. This is a quick and foolproof way to get a professionally designed color scheme.
  • Pantone's Seasonal Colors: If you're keen on staying on-trend, you might want to check out the seasonal fashion colors by Pantone. I personally love this approach. I usually take their suggestions, tweak the shades a bit to make them my own, and voila—I have a seasonal look that's both trendy and unique.

Your Pre-Made Palette

I've already done some of the legwork for you. Below is a pre-made color palette you can readily use for this fall season. Bookmark this article so it's easy to come back to whenever your creativity is buzzing.

Now that we've set the stage with our autumn-perfect color palettes let's move on to the heart of any memorable virtual party—the games! Whether you're looking to break the ice, showcase your products, or simply bring a little seasonal joy to your virtual space, we've got a lineup of games that are sure to fit the bill.

Game #1: Pick Your Ideal Fall Day!

Why It's Great: Ah, the allure of a perfect fall day—who can resist? This game isn't just about casual fun; it's a clever method for getting to know your audience a little better. Learning about your guests' ideal scenarios can provide you with invaluable insights to tailor future product recommendations. And participating couldn't be easier!

How to use it:

  • Upload the graphic to your party page and encourage attendees to chime in with the number that corresponds with their ideal fall day.
  • Want to deepen the interaction? Invite them to share why they picked their particular number. The game is designed for easy participation, so this step is completely optional.

Customization Options:

  • The beauty of this template is its versatility. You can easily adapt it for other themes, such as "Pick Your Ideal Way to Host a Party" or "Pick Your Ideal Kind of Job."
  • The key to making this game engaging is in the description. Don't just list the option; describe it in a way that it evokes feelings and sensations. That's what will make your game stand out and keep your guests engaged.

Save your game template in your well-organized folder so you can easily update and reuse it for future parties or seasons!

Check out our Ideal Fall Day Game Template

Game #2: Virtual Mad Libs

Why It's Great: Who can resist a good laugh? With Mad Libs, not only are you hosting a party, but you're also creating a collection of memorable, laugh-out-loud moments that your guests will reminisce about long after the virtual confetti has settled.

How to to use it:

  • Create a Mad Libs template related to the theme of your party, fall festivities, or even your products. You could use tools like Canva to design a visually appealing template that fits the aesthetic of your virtual event.
  • If you’re using it in a Facebook Group Virtual Party you can suggest that members comment underneath with their answers as a group where everyone takes a turn to contribute, or they can do the entire thing themselves.
  • If you are hosting a messenger or text party, you can have the entire group contribute to one version and ask them to type their responses in the chat.

Customization Options:

  • The themes and stories for your Mad Libs can be endlessly customized to fit your party's theme or the products you're showcasing. Whether you’re selling skincare, cookware, or anything in between, a well-crafted Mad Libs story can make your products the star of the show in a humorous way.
  • You can create multiple rounds with different themes or templates and even have party members vote on which Mad Libs scenario they'd like to try next.

Check out our Virtual Mad Libs Canva Template

Game #3: This or That

Why It's Great: "This or That" is the epitome of simplicity meeting effectiveness. With just a quick glance, your guests can easily participate, making it an excellent tool for engagement. But don't let its simplicity fool you—this game can also serve as a clever sales tactic. As guests ponder their choices, they're also introduced to some of your less-highlighted products, subtly encouraging them to explore more of what you have to offer.

How to Play:

  • Choose a simple this or that topic, such as "Do you prefer Spring or Fall?"
  • Below the question, display photos of products that you feel are related to each option. For example, if you're selling home goods, you might showcase pastel-colored pillows under "Spring" and pumpkin-themed decor under "Fall."
  • Post the graphic on your party page and invite guests to comment with their preference.
  • For added fun and interaction, you could ask participants to explain their choice. Alternatively, keep it simple and let the images speak for themselves.

Customization Options:

  • You can adapt this game to showcase various product lines or themes, from holiday-inspired items to daily essentials. The aim is to relate the choices as closely as possible to your products, even if the connection is tangential.
  • Consider employing a thematic design or color scheme that aligns with the question or season. This added layer of detail can make the game even more visually appealing.

Check out our This or That Template

Game #4: Customized Bingo

Why It's Great: Bingo is a universally loved game that can easily be tailored to fit the theme or objective of your virtual party.

How to Play:

  • Share the Bingo card with your guests at the beginning of the party and explain how to mark off the squares. They can use digital markers or even just type "X" in the chat to signal they've marked a square.
  • Once someone has marked off the required number of squares in a row, column, or diagonal, they shout "Bingo!" in the chat. Reward the winner with a small prize, discount, or even just bragging rights.

Customization Options:

  • Bingo is incredibly versatile. Adapt the squares to focus on product features, party goals, or even fun facts about your company or the current season.
  • Bingo can be more than just a game; it can be a strategic tool. For instance, a recruitment-focused Bingo card could feature squares like "Looking for a Side Hustle," "Loves Our Products," or "Wants a Community." As participants mark off squares, they're also inadvertently identifying themselves as potential recruits.

Check out our Bingo Canva Template

Game #5: Question Games

Why It's Great: Question games are an interactive and easy-to-implement option that encourages conversation and deeper engagement. These games allow participants to share their opinions, experiences, or fun facts about themselves. In doing so, you create a more connected and interactive atmosphere, which can be particularly valuable in a virtual setting where attendees might not have other opportunities to interact.

How to Play:

  • During the event, pose these questions to your audience. They can respond by sending you a private message or commenting below to drum up more engagement.
  • Depending on your goals, you could offer small prizes or incentives for the best or most creative answers. This adds a competitive edge and encourages more participation.

Customization Options:

  • The questions can be designed to fit any theme or objective. Whether it's fall, skincare, or recruiting, the questions can be tailored to fit.

Check out our Question Games Canva Template

And there we have it, folks! If you've read this far, it's pretty clear you're deeply committed to leveling up your virtual party template for the new fall season. The best part? You can leave those fears of starting from scratch at the door. With just a few artful, season-focused tweaks, you can make your existing template as fresh as a crisp fall morning—no complete overhaul required.

Stephanie Landy

Blog Writer