The Power of Infographics for Your Business and How to Create Your Own!

Infographics are everywhere on social media! From Instagram posts that break down statistics in news articles to your home office’s graphics that explain the benefits of your products. Every successful brand uses infographics because taking dense information and turning it into visual storytelling is a super effective way to add additional context to your products’ value without being salesy!

Here at PostmyParty, we are incredibly passionate about making good content, and good content does not sell to people. Instead, it inspires them to act by building relationships, educating, and entertaining.

Infographics do all of that and more! Adding these handy communication tools to your social media toolbox will help you gain credibility in your audience’s eyes and convert them into customers!

You might already share infographics on your Virtual Parties and social media without realizing it - either because your upline provided you with the party template or you’re using content shared in consultant groups and forums. Posts like “What baking with a different kind of sugar looks like” or “How much time people spend cleaning a day.” These are all infographics! As direct sales consultants, we often use them in our Templates as a way for us to weave a narrative of why our audience should consider our products over something else.

Using others’ content to curate a story for your audience is always a great place to start (as long as you properly give credit.) But being the person who creates the source material will end up doing more work for you in the long run!

Creating infographics may sound intimidating, especially since infographics often use statistics and numbers to tell a story! But this article is here to help demystify them so that you can take full advantage of their marketing power! We’ll break down what makes them so powerful, the different kinds of infographics and when to use them, and tips on creating them!

Let’s get started!

What Makes Infographics So Powerful?

#1 - Infographics help your audience make decisions!

An infographic is a visual story that shrinks big ideas into small digestible chunks. They only take a couple of seconds to absorb because our brains read images faster than text. This phenomenon gives you a fantastic opportunity to connect instantly with your audience. In a world of short attention spans and the ability to quickly scroll past your content, you need any advantage to properly convince someone to stick around long enough for you to tell them what makes your products so unique. Infographics allow you to get a lot of information to a potential customer without them having to read a mountain of text.  

And when information about you, your business, and your products is easy to absorb - it assists your audience in making a quick decision on whether they want to buy what you’re selling.

An excellent example of an infographic that will help you instantly connect with your audience is changing your Intro Post in your Virtual Party Template or Reintroducing Post on Instagram for your new followers. From a picture of yourself and a paragraph of text to a crisp graphic that tells your story. Distill everything that you would have written out already in that post and convert it into bullet points. When you create the graphic, use icons instead of bullet points, and bam! You have your first infographic that tells your audience everything they need to know about you in a crisp 1080 x 1080 px frame.

From there, they’ll easily be able to tell if they relate to you or don’t. And if they don’t, that’s okay because it makes finding your real audience much faster.

Another example of an infographic that helps your audience make decisions about you and your business is showcasing what products will work for what kind of customer, like a gift guide. For example, instead of sharing a link that takes your audience out of the site to a gift guide Home Office provided, you can distill the information in that catalog into one post. Such an infographic tells customers everything they need to know to make a quick and confident decision because you’ve already done the work for them.

There are so many decisions made in a day. Provide your customers with a way to avoid decision fatigue and make it easier for them to decide. They’ll come to you over buying something similar from a bigger retailer.

Even if a product is cheaper elsewhere - if you provide easy-to-understand information that doesn’t burden them with other things to consider, they will pay a premium if they can feel confident in their purchase without having to do additional research!

#2 - Infographics increase your exposure.

One of the big perks of being the person making the infographics, especially if they convey general information about your industry or similar topics that relate to your products that educate your audience, is that others will want to share it.

That means the more people share your infographic content, the more platforms will push your content to the top! Most of the people who will share your infographic content will likely be fellow consultants. Don’t be afraid to do a little extra work that benefits others.

In addition, infographics will help you reach new customers outside your network. Since many direct sales customers actively seek out direct sales products, infographics are a great way to engage new leads who have no idea about your company’s magic.

To get all the perks of shareable infographics, ensure all your settings on your social media accounts allow for sharing. Whether you’re posting it on your Facebook VIP group, your Business Page, or your Instagram account - make sure you double-check the privacy settings for those locations. Nothing kills a buzz like your audience being unable to share your content with their friends.

You’ll also want to add a watermark or logo to your infographic. Even though it’s okay if other consultants use it for their businesses, it’s essential to be known as the source.

#3 - Infographics increase your credibility.

When you post infographics that your audience considers informative and exciting, you are saying - I am not just someone selling a product to make money - I am selling this product because I am knowledgeable of the industry. So, therefore, I want to ensure others can take advantage of my expertise.

The difference between using Infographics on Social Media to be Shared vs. Infographics in your Virtual Parties

When using infographics in your Virtual Parties, your strategy will look different than when you’re using them to increase your reach on social media. This is because, in a Virtual Party, you have a captive audience; unless the group is public, your guests cannot share the content. Therefore, the shareability of these posts is less critical and can be made more specific to the themes you’re showcasing at your party.

Virtual Parties are also a great place to use infographics from other sources as supplemental content!

Think of your parties as a place where you provide curated information for your guests so that when they leave the party, they feel like they gained something because you presented the narrative in a new way using all the tools available! Just make sure to properly give credit to the person who created the infographic - whether that’s through adding the link to the original image in your post or making sure when using the picture not to remove the part that showcases the original poster’s logo.

The different kinds of infographics and when to use them

Infographics fall into two categories - Data and informational.

Data-based infographics use statistics, and quantifiable information backed up by sources. These infographics can leave an impactful impression on your audience because they show clear proof of whatever point you’re trying to make. However, creating these kinds of infographics can be complicated because you’ll need to invest more time in researching and double-checking your sources. You’ll mostly want to avoid creating data infographics unless you directly collect the data.

For example, an engaging way you could use a data-focused infographic is to represent the information you gathered from a poll. Ask your community a collection of questions in the form of poll posts, and then use those statistics to tell a story that engages your audience.

Say you want to use an infographic to show your community that those who want to buy from small businesses for holiday shopping already have a fantastic resource under their noses. You’d do three separate polls. 1. Who is doing holiday shopping online this year?

2. Who wants to buy from small businesses? 3. Who owns a small business or has a friend that owns a small business? Then use that data and present it in an aesthetically pleasing graphic. Here’s an example:

Most of you told me you want to shop from a small store this Christmas. But did you know that almost half of us own or know someone who owns a business you can shop from? So comment below with your business, so we can help our friends who want to shop small!

An informational infographic communicates a concept or overview of a topic. You can use many different formats, depending on what kind of information you are presenting. I will highlight four: List, Timeline, Process, and Comparison.

Use a List Infographic when you want to take boring bullet points of information and create something your audience will be interested in reading. Examples include - Top 5 products to help with X problem, Top affirmations to start your day off right, Upcoming trends for 2023, or a post on the facts of a specific product.

Use a Timeline Infographic when you want to showcase a span of time, history, or progress of something. Examples include - a timeline of how your company has grown over the years, style trends over the decades, or important dates for your business.

A Process Infographic is the best choice for when you want to showcase how something works. Examples of this kind of infographic design are how-to guides such as how to use a specific product or the process of becoming a consultant! When you number the steps, it will make your process easy to follow.

Use a comparison infographic to compare different ideas. A great way to use this format is when you compare similar products in your catalog and want to showcase the slight differences depending on what the customer wants. The graphic splits in the middle, with a line breaking up the information about each product. If you’re using a comparison infographic to showcase the differences between a competitor’s product versus your own, make sure to use a brighter color to highlight the option you want your audience to pick.

Tips for creating Infographics

You first want to figure out what information your audience will find interesting. Then, take a look at what you know how to do well. There are so many pieces to everyday wins in the household, our business, and our relationships that we don’t take the time to think about how we make those wins happen.

They feel natural to us, so we assume everyone thinks that way too! But that isn’t the case! You’d be surprised how much the world craves to know how to do what you do naturally!

That is the information you want to distill into infographics!

For example - Are you someone others consider organized? Being organized may come naturally to you, but it doesn’t happen without a process. Whether that’s something you’re aware of or not, if you take the time to consider what you do to make yourself organized, that information could be turned into a valuable and helpful infographic!

Take some time to think about what you do with the products that have become ingrained in your life. Then use that as the basis for creating your first collection of infographics!  

Another place you should look for inspiration on what might interest your audience is to use the reports your home office provides! Likely, your corporate company keeps track of what products your customers are buying. Use that list to determine which products your customers would like to know more about. Then, if you know your best-selling items, you can concentrate on creating content that highlights them more and provides valuable information to those who already own them, like the best way to care for them and new ways to use them!

How to use Canva to create infographics!

  1. Find a template that works for you in the format needed. There are tons of beautifully crafted layouts that can plug your information into Canva. If you’re looking to showcase a process, look for how-to guides. If you’re looking to make a List infographic, you would want to find a template with built-in icons.
  2. Choose your color palette! You want your infographic to pop, but you don’t want to overwhelm your readers. So pick one bold color that you will use to highlight your information and select softer and neutral tones for the rest.
  3. Plug in all your information!
  4. Include a catchy Headline
  5. Choose a font that’s fun but easy to read.
  6. Double-check your grammar and arrange the information and images to have a cohesive flow.
  7. Download it and upload it!

I hope this got you excited to start making infographics of your own! A new feature, PostmyParty, is launching with our updated program: the ability to use Canva straight into our scheduler! So get excited because soon you’ll be able to create infographics straight into your Template!

Next Steps

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Stephanie Landy

Blog Writer