The Right Way to Run Facebook Group Parties in 2021
Did you know that online shopping jumped close to 1,000% in 2020?
Facebook for Business said...
“...estimated 145 million new digital shoppers globally in 2020, according to survey by Facebook IQ.”
This is why building your Facebook Business Page in 2021 is essential!
There was so much gold in one of Facebook IQ’s latest reports called Plan and Go 2021.
For example, 2.4 BILLION people worldwide access at least one of Facebook’s apps every day.
So it’s no wonder that Facebook has put a TON of effort to build better relationships between personal profiles and Business Pages on their platform.
Because Facebook wants businesses to buy their ads to reach more people, they want people to see Pages as a trusted resource.
So not only have they improved their ads visibility, but have also connected Pages with a ton of features to attract engagement for their organic content.
And this is why hosting Online Parties on Facebook in 2021 is a gold mine.
4 Essentials for Running Facebook Parties the Right Way in 2021
1. Post Parties in Groups, as Your Page
Remember the old way of running Facebook Parties with Events (and a billion posts that had to stay in order)?
Top Producers have learned to transition to Groups to take advantage of more fun and engaging features for running their Online Parties, resulting in even more sales than ever before!
Who doesn't want to have more fun with games, giveaways, watching videos and learning something new to make their lives easier?!
What’s even better, is it’s easier than ever for your Business Page to be running those Group Parties, thus boosting relevance and authenticity.
“78% of Instagram users believe being authentic and trustworthy are what makes a user or account valuable.”
For direct sales Parties, this is super important!
Interacting as your Business Page separates the impression of that nagging friend just trying to get a sale, and the friend trying to build a legit business that may meet your needs in a way you didn’t even realize.
By creating clearer boundaries between your personal profile and your Business Page, FB and other users can view you as a more honest individual.
By conducting your commercial and sales activity via your Page, and interacting with friends and guests as your personal profile, this increases the visibility and engagement of Party posts and Page followers, thus generating more Parties and sales.
2. Use Personalized content to create Authentic Exposure
Not only does having a Facebook Business Page allow you to be transparent and honest about your business, but it humanizes your professional side to build better relationships with your customers.
Maybe you’ve noticed some clever, funny ads that make you stop and check out the comments for a good laugh. See? It worked!
“84% of consumers are likely to purchase, try, or recommend a product if it’s shown by a relevant creator.”
People have nothing but options these days!
So show them what’s important to you, and how you can meet their needs as your customer.
Personalizing your content is a must when it comes to building a following on social media.
Yes, you may have the same product launch as another consultant, but you can choose to customize your posts and graphics in your own words and style.
Consider something that will make your Party stand out above the rest, while being authentic with your new guests.
3. Connect to guests and customers with Visuals: Videos and photos
It’s too easy to hide behind the computer screen, and perfect every little post to amplify your professionalism.
But the truth is, people want to get to know you as a real person, and the best way to communicate who that is, is through real-time video chat.
When you’ve spent some time watching someone’s video channel, taking in their content and grinning at their mistakes, don’t you feel like you know them just a little bit better?
Why is this?
Because your senses discover that they are just as human as you are with similar challenges.
Trust begins, and curiosity keeps you coming back for more.
So break down those barriers, and jump into some Live video time with your customers to begin creating real connection.
“Americans are prioritizing authenticity over appearance, even if that means being vulnerable.” Topics and Trends report
TIP: An easy place to start, is short live videos talking about just 1 thing. Only 1!
Then in a couple more days, jump on again and talk about another 1 thing.
These can be about your favorite products, how-to’s, tips, or answering a common question.
Keep it under 5 minutes, make it valuable, and let your personality shine!
4. Personal Messaging Your Customers with your Page tools
We believe Facebook will continue to improve relationships between businesses and people in a more community building way with more tools and features for Pages.
Not only does this give you more options to connect with customers, but your visibility will be boosted since FB wants these features to succeed.
Take Messenger for Pages for example.
It’s easier than ever to personally message your customers through your Business Page to quickly meet their needs in customized ways.
You can set up automated messages to greet Followers and new Page visitors right away.
You can create saved replies that make it easy to choose just the perfect answer.
You can send images, voice recordings, and short videos just for them.
Talk about the ultimate personalized service in the palm of your hand!
“Messaging has become an important business channel… The use of Facebook’s messaging platforms has grown more than 505 in only 1 month in the countries most affected by the pandemic.”
Not only will your customers, hostesses, team members, new followers, and even friends quickly get the info they need, but communicating this way also boosts posts and content created by your Page to their feeds. Win-win!
Holding Facebook Parties in Groups by your Page is definitely in your favor for 2021.
It is undeniable that Facebook Business Pages is the way to go for building customer relationships with helpful tools and lots of resources, like Facebook For Business and Facebook Blueprint.
Next Steps
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