4 Things You Should Tell Your Hosts Before Your Facebook Block Parties
As Facebook Block Parties and Multi-Host Parties become more popular, we get more questions about this topic.
So we’re back with more tips from users who have been riding the wave and escalating their business faster and larger than ever before.
So, you’re trying out Facebook Block Parties and have several new hostesses ready to get started, give yourself plenty of time to spoil each new host with a packet of instructions and goodies.
You still want to coach each host to success for earning the most rewards because when you do you usually make more sales.
You can review our helpful article on 4 Hostess Coaching Tricks that work every time, for more ideas.
In addition to your normal hostess coaching plan, we have found some of the most important things to tell your hosts before your Facebook Block Parties.
#1. “You’ll be part of my team of hosts for this Facebook Block Party and we will work together to earn the most rewards!”
Think of your hosts as a team helping you run the best Party ever!
Reassure her that each host will have her own personal shopping link for her own guests to order, and will earn her own set of rewards.
Keeping these shopping links organized in a pinned welcome post or description box of the group, will make it easy for guests to find them.
By coaching all your hosts together in a special Facebook Group or on Facebook Messenger in a group message thread will maximize your efforts and boost the fun and energy!
Keep cultivating individual relationships with each special person though, and make her feel like a rockstar!
Here’s what Lori, one of our top users, has to say about this…
”After they agree to host I let them know they’ll be part of a Block Party and explain the benefits of a Block Party. I assure them that a Party is always more fun with more people (more the merrier) and I explain that Facebook likes us better and it keeps us from landing in Facebook jail*. I have had only a couple apprehensive [hosts] about it and one went on to become a consultant and the other had a $1700 Party with me!!
I do coach all my hosts together in a group message on Messenger. Anything specific to them and their own Party I keep one on one, but the daily coaching I do is the same for all of them.” -Lori
#2. “Reconnect with your friends before inviting them.”
As your hosts make their F.R.A.N.K. list of who to invite (Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Kids), encourage them to reach out to friends via Facebook Messenger just to say hi or respond to a post or story with a genuine message.
Here’s why this is important:
When your hosts message their friends through Messenger, their activity will pop up on the newsfeeds again!
It also makes their friend feel special that they truly thought of them, and are not just spamming them to be added to yet another group.
A re-established dialog can open the door to mentioning the Facebook Party they are having and to ask if they could send them more info.
They should only add their friend or send the group link after they have said yes!
Corey Burge, the Founder of PostMyParty, says…
“If they interact with you in some way, if they feel a connection with you, if they feel like their needs are gonna be met in some way, they’re more likely to buy.” – Corey Burge, PostMyParty
#3. “When you actively participate in the Party Group, your guests will see the posts and are more likely to jump in, too!”
You as the consultant can certainly welcome new guests to the group by tagging them. Reach out to introduce yourself and get to know them better.
But it feels more meaningful if their host friend also tags them and draws them into the Party posts. These posts will appear on their newsfeeds even more!
Remind your hosts of what you will be posting so they can know what to expect in the flow of the Party.
When they also post in the group and tag their friends in the comments of Party posts and games, they are more likely to earn more rewards!
Here’s what two of our top users have to say about this…
“I have them each post their favorite products during the Pre-Party and I have them tag each one of their guests in a post throughout the Party with something they might like. And I tell them to make sure they are commenting on every post I make.” – Karie
I ask my hosts to help me catch questions and even comment [an answer]. I really coach them to be my partner and not sit back and have me do it all. So they’re great at letting me know if there’s a question I missed. – Lori
#4. “After the Party, you can still earn those bigger rewards!”
This is the last time to remind your hosts of what they have earned so far. But let them know that you always plan for a window after the actual Party ends to earn more!
This is for following up with their guests or reaching out to friends who couldn’t make it.
They can give a simple suggestion of a product they think their friend would enjoy.
They can have a quick convo with a friend who seems interested. See if they want to earn some freebies by hosting a Party.
This is a great time for you, the consultant to answer more questions. Post some specials your hosts are earning right now and reach out to those who seem excited and supportive.
Here’s a bit more advice on this from Lori and Karie.
“[Group messaging the hosts] helps me create a bit of competition between my hosts…I had two one week seeing who could get the highest sales…one closed at $1500 and the other $2100. It was fun. Another group I offered an incentive for everyone that helped me get 3 bookings…first one got an extra item, as a result, one host got me six bookings that day.” – Lori
“I let everyone know when their items ship and I’ll post next month’s host/customer specials. I’ll also have my hosts make a post with what they got for hosting when they arrive” – Karie
Partying on Facebook these days is all about creating a community of people who want to have fun!
Bringing together those individuals with the same goals, is a great way to make a difference in more people’s lives. Make the online world a little better with bigger strides!
Click back to our other articles to get all the latest and greatest info about Facebook Block Parties:
If you’ve been having success with Block Parties, what has been your favorite part of this journey? Leave us a comment to help other newbies succeed!
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