The Best Format for Hosting Online Parties
Creating a winning Party script can be a daunting task for anyone.
Well we’ve got you covered to teach you the most profitable Facebook Party format we have ever seen!
Creating a template using this guide is the perfect start to managing a good Party flow.
You can then customize your template for every Party you run.
This will keep your content unique and fun and most importantly, successful!
We have seen a short, ‘live’ format usually yields the greatest success.
This includes only 2 or 3 days of Pre-Party posts (this is the time to get-to-know your guests, and make them feel comfortable). The actual Party only lasts about 45 min. to an hour with about 6-8 posts, and a couple of follow-up posts for the next day.
Why Does This Format Work?
The quick and dirty answer is that Facebook is looking for the posts that people are most interested in, by watching the number of likes, reactions, and comments/replies on every post.
So essentially, Facebook will show your post to a few people, and if it’s popular among those few, Facebook will then bump it up to be shown to more people and will watch for more feedback.
You can learn more about how the new Facebook Algorithm works and how it affects you, by checking out our popular articles:
Why You’re Getting Blocked While Others Aren’t (And What You Can Do About It)
3 Keys to Increasing Your Facebook Post Reach in Your Online Party
With this in mind, the strategies for posting in this format for Facebook Parties are more likely to work with the grain of the Facebook algorithms, instead of against them causing frustrations and heartache.
You can learn the details of good versus bad posting habits here.
Keys to Make Your Party Unique and Fun
After you try out your new Party script template, here are some ways to keep it fresh:
- After the Party, take note of how well your posts performed with your guests. Did some get more reactions than others?
If so, take a few moments to tweak the posts in your template or create a new one as you discover your unique Party rhythm.
- You can create more than 1 template. It is not necessary to talk about every item in your company catalogue during one Party. So break up sections of products and turn them into different templates.
This will provide a variety of Party ‘themes’ for your host to choose from and keep it fun (yet simple) for you.
- Take some time to create custom images for each Party script template.
This can be fun and easy to do with a program like Canva.
Learn more about how to step up your Party posting game.
- Refer to this checklist every time you get a shared template!
If your upline or team member has shared their favorite template with you, this could be a great way to get started or get new ideas, if you use it as a guide!
It’s tempting to post their shared Party templates word-for-word with the exact pictures and links.
But this is actually one of the worst things you could do for your ‘Facebook reputation’.
You can still save time and thinking energy by saving and reviewing the content, but then edit the words, change the pictures, and check (or change) any links to make this template unique to you.
Remember, you don’t have to use every post, either!
- Duplicate and automate your best Parties.
When you’re ready to stop copying and pasting your posts for every Party and free yourself to be more involved with your guests, then you might consider an auto-posting program like PostMyParty.
Our program is specially designed for customizing and running multiple Parties with ease.
We even have features called Replacement Tokens that help keep your Parties unique by automatically inserting specific info such as the host name, shopping link, and more.
Create Your Party Script Template
Here is a general guide on what to include when creating your party script
The Best Facebook Party Format
- 5 days of posts (Party is on Day 4).
- Create the group before or on Day 1 of Pre-Party posts. Close the party and archive the group around Day 7.
- Post only 2-3 times a day, such as morning and evening (around the time of Party).
- Try odd times, such as 10:03 or 7:56. Not posting on the hour or half hour can avoid delays when posting during high online-traffic times
- Alternate between relationship building and educational posts
- Highlight company packages/best sellers, or a section of products from the company catalog.
When you create the Party group:
- Add a banner picture (custom create one in Canva).
- In the “About” section add the details for the Party (date/time, ordering deadline) and shopping link. Describe how to participate in the Party to win (if you have a giveaway), and how to place an order. Or create a post that you can make into an ‘announcement’ then pin it to the top of the group discussion feed. Make it easy to find your most important info.
- Add your business page and trusted app in the group settings.
- Create and schedule the first Pre-Party post as a Poll or interactive post to get guests active as soon as they join:
- “How well do you know _____ company?
- Options could include: I LOVE them and buy all the time! I’ve bought some before, but it’s been awhile! I know a little! Not much!
- “How often do you purchase ____ products?”
- Options could include: Few times a month! About every 3-4 months! Maybe once or twice a year! Never!
- “How often do you get to treat yourself?”
- Options could include: I make time daily! Weekly! A few times a month! Maybe every few months! I need to do this!
- Choose your own questions and answer options that fit your party topic and guests’ needs!
Post Ideas for Your Party script:
- Pre-Party posts
- Days 1-3, 6-8 posts: post only 2-3 times a day, alternate between educational (about company, products, etc.) and relationship building (ice breakers, games, quotes, feel-good posts to create a connection, etc.), RSVP post, etc.
- Day 4: Reminder posts before the party
- Party Posts
- Day 4: On-Time party post
- Go Live (15 min. Or less): Showcase best sellers/package sets, etc.
- 6-8 posts to showcase products, package sets, videos, about the business opportunity, about hosting a party, deals or specials for orders in this party, etc.
- After Party Posts
- Day 5: 2-3 posts to Thank guests and host, announce winners to any giveaways, encourage guests to like your Business Page and join your VIP group so they never miss a special deal from you.
- Follow up!
- Personally message host and guests to wrap up orders or give advice on what to order and keep in touch with your new friends!
- Learn more tips on how to coach your hostess to a successful Facebook Party
That’s it! The Best Format for Hosting Online Parties used by our most successful users.
Next Steps
Trying to grow your business with Online Parties or trainings?
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