3 Ways to Rock Sales in Your VIP Customer Group
Creating connections, building relationships, and making sales is what it’s all about when you are your own boss.
You’ve made a great move going online to run your business because it pays to work smarter, not harder.
Just like running your business face-to-face with people, your main way to generate sales might be when holding Parties.
Or another way is to reconnect with your existing customers and meet their needs with re-orders by offering them a special deal.
This is also true when running your business online, with your Facebook Parties and your VIP Customer Group!
Your existing customers are already fans of your products, so take advantage of all the perks Groups can offer to earn some bonus sales this month.
Here are 3 Ways to rock sales in your VIP Customer Group:
1. Use Customized Images to Create Excitement for Your Next Promotion
Change your banner photo using a custom image reflecting your theme, or next promotion.
Members get notified when a cover photo gets changed so display the most important or exciting information and images, to hook them into checking it out and participating!
Use the same theme to create more images for different posts throughout the promotion or new month.
For example, if it’s a BOGO sale, you might showcase certain qualifying products in your posts, using informational image posts, This or That game posts, how-to video tutorials, etc.
It’s easy to create a template of themed images and graphics, with a free program like Canva! Click here to learn Ways to use Canva for your Group and here to learn more about using images.
2. Have a Flash Sale for Your Best Customers!
Throw in a flash sale by creating an event INSIDE of this VIP group.
This is called a Group Event, and is only accessible by the members of the group.
They will automatically get notified and invited when you create it.
Build up the excitement for the sale. You can do this by announcing the sale about 4 or 5 days ahead.
Make sure you make it a big deal and post fun pictures about featured products (or teaser images of new items).
Plus, you can even run an easy game to boost your post reach.
3. Go Live!
Members get notified when you go live in the group, so take advantage!
Jump on regularly (or semi-regularly) to connect with your customers and show how you appreciate them.
You can offer an incentive if they hop on with you, or you can announce a special offer if they catch your live.
Your video doesn’t have to be long.
In fact, members are more likely to hop on if it isn’t longer than 5-10 minutes.
So keep it short and sweet to greet your customers, showcase a product in a special way (tutorial or different ways to use it), and announce any offers or promotions coming up.
Ask a question for them to answer during the live, to expand your post reach, then reply to them after the video.
Use your videos as a reference for different topics or products for your customers to go back to at any time.
Check out more articles about this topic:
We hope these ideas get your creative juices flowing to rock sales in your VIP Customer Group!
Let us know which works best for you in the comments below.
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