The 4 Best Types and Styles for Hosting Successful Online Parties
If you’ve been running the same Online Party for a while, you might be ready to shake things up a bit for returning hostesses, guests, VIP customers, and yourself.
We collected some of our best strategies to help you create a winning Online Party script, every time you want to try something new!
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After working with thousands of top producers over the years, we discovered 4 key elements to Online Parties:
- Party Type
- Party Style
- Party Theme
- Party Games
Choose any combination from these elements and you’re on track to a totally unique (and profitable) Online Party experience!
Today we are chatting about Party Types and Styles. Let’s go!
Party Types
Every Party will touch on a mix of these elements, but will usually gravitate to a certain type for the main part of the Party (or if you choose to Go Live). This gives your hostess/guests some variety if they join more than 1 of your Parties over the years, and makes the Parties memorable for being unique to you.
No matter what type or style of Party you choose, this basic format has been the most successful we’ve ever seen:
Now that you have your format ready, you can choose from 3 basic types of Parties:
- Informational/Educational/For a Cause
You chose to be a consultant because you love the products and what the company stands for. This type of Party is all about educating your guests about what matters the most to you!
Facts, stats, and testimonials are great! But think about teaching them something that is new or uncommon knowledge that makes your product so amazing and worth trying.
Explaining how it applies to your life and your family makes your products relatable and is so impactful for guests to understand better how it can meet their needs too.
If you’re selling for a cause, it’s important to make guests feel confident about where their money is going toward. Try answering these questions when outlining your script:
- Does the product meet their needs? How?
- How do their purchases meet other’s needs?
- Why should this cause matter to them?
- The How-to/Demo
Show how your product works, or how versatile it can be for your guests! The sky’s the limit, you can probably come up with a long list of ways to use your product right now.
Choose just a few ways, or 1 large main demonstration to showcase the products of your choice for this Party.
Find handy videos (or make your own!) that give more ideas on how customers can use the product.
Create graphics that show step-by-step instructions or recipes that go great with this Party.
Build up the excitement if you plan to Go Live, for the very best way to use your product, or a popular demonstration.
- The Show Off
This type of Party is usually the easiest and most fun, because the products do all the talking! You probably have lots of variety for your product that are eye-candy for your guests, they just want to see them all! So create the desire and ride the wave.
Depending on how many items you choose to show, your Party could go on and on!
So first decide on a timeframe or how many types you want to show off, and cut it off there. If you leave room for imagination as a hook, you can encourage your new guests to join your VIP Group for more and new styles year round.
This type of Party isn’t just limited to accessories and fashion. Consider new releases and designs of the products your customers are already familiar with. This is also handy for pre-sales of limited edition or seasonal items.
Time to enjoy the fun of gushing over your products with pure excitement!
Online Party Styles
It might take a few tries for your Party Style to develop into a flow that is most comfortable to you, so don’t be afraid to change things up until you get there.
Here are the most common styles of Online Parties:
- Posts Only
This is probably the most common style for new consultants getting their feet wet with Online Parties.
Many are sent a template of Party posts from a team member, for them to customize for their own Parties. This helps take the guesswork out of what to post for their first Facebook Parties, until they get the hang of it for themselves.
You have the option to make your Online Party go for as long or as short as you’d like. Just remember that the Facebook algorithms love to see engagement with your posts, so make sure you close the Party Group before it dies.
The Posts Only Party is a tried and true system that was the original Facebook Party plan.
- Live Only
This is a popular style that might come more naturally for the extroverts on the team. This is also the most helpful if you have lots of variety of products to show.
You have the flexibility to showcase your products in versatile ways. You can choose certain products on the spot that guests might be requesting to see.
Be sure that your ordering information, or other important product info, is easy to find in the description of the Live or the comments.
This quick Party style is usually a one-and-done, where the orders are taken during the Live and close by the end of the night.
Each Live Only Party turns out unique, because it’s shaped by the participants and your ‘real life’ activity.
- Posts and Live
This is probably the most favored by Facebook algorithms, because it combines the best of both Party styles in an easy to manage group.
Imagine it: your very best posts for engagement and education, building up to a Live Video showcasing your best offer and giving away your best prizes, while having all your important product and ordering information in easy-to-find pinned posts.
Not only can you still keep this Party short, sweet, and to the point, but you give some flexibility to the guests who couldn’t make it to the Live Video on time, but still want to join the fun.
TIP: Make the most of your Online Party efforts by running Block Parties!
Still skeptical about Going Live for your Party?
Here are 4 tips for Going Live from Kelly Paull (check out her Live Stream Blueprint):
“Going Live isn't something that comes natural to many of us! I'm not going to lie, I sweat like a pig in a sauna while I'm doing a broadcast.
1. The BEST thing I have found is to have a PLAN about what I'm going to say. That means a sticky note with bullet points of what I want to cover. I have even written out my introduction before word for word including my name in case I draw a blank.
2. I get very distracted if I can see myself on screen, so I cover that part of the screen so I can't look at myself.
3. When people are nervous they do things like touch their hair (that's me!) or touch their face. The best remedy for that is to sit on your hands!
4. Also preparation and practice pays off. You can create a group simply for practicing going Live. Add your bestie to the group and practice getting everything set up and ready for going Live.
Practice your intro and have your friend let you know if your background is messy or distracting, if you are too close or too far from the camera, if the sound is good, if you are looking in the camera or watching yourself on screen.” - Kelly Paull
Find more strategies to make Going Live even easier:
Next Steps
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